We’re talking about our Badgers. The onset of winter has meant that the local Badger population no longer visit our garden just after dusk. We know they are still visiting because the food we leave out is disappearing each night and we have set up our trail cam at the garden feeders. So as we […]
It’s safe to say that the highlands of Scotland can produce some extraordinary weather. It’s gone from three inches of snow and sub-zero temperatures, to one of the warmest areas in Europe. As we look out the window today we still have small patches of snow left on the grass. The roof is all clear […]
That is was what our sky looked like the other night. As there is very little pollution here in the Highlands we get to see some very colourful sunsets. The other night it looked just like a pot of raspberry ripple ice cream. The trail camera is proving very useful, we have found out […]
This weekend was absolutely dreadful. We had to go out Saturday morning, as we drove out of our driveway; we came across a dead Badger at the side of the main A road. Immediately you think is it one of the Badgers which visit our garden every night. On the way back we slowed down […]
Living with wildlife all round you leads to new activities. It’s feed the birds and voles first thing. Make sure you put out badger food in the evening; enough to encourage them into the garden, but not too much to detract from their natural foraging habits. We have now identified three individual badgers, calling them […]
It may have had a couple of false starts, the odd warm patch, but finally autumn is here. Woods full of colour. Autumn in a location so far removed from what we are used to, is making autumn this year, such an exciting one. We’re use to the colours of the Chilterns. Here Beech woods […]
Our garden is now full of birds, since we started to put out food. But you may remember from our last post , we started feeding and getting night-time visitors, who were digging up the grass. So in order to find out what was visiting at night we purchased and set up a Trail Camera. And […]
No doubt, it was the title that got your interest. So you, and the birds in our new garden, have at least one thing in common, you’re interested in offers of free food. Since we moved, to the highlands, trying to actually get out and take, photographs has been almost impossible. Setting up our house, […]
It’s part house, part office, part studio, part unknown. As you will gather our move is over. Here we sit, surrounded by furniture that needs putting together. The computer thingummy you need is in a box, somewhere. Which box, or for that matter which room is it in, is a complete mystery to us both. […]
Yes this article is all about Broadband speeds. Not perhaps an immediately obvious subject for wildlife and nature photographers to be blogging about. But if you want to be a wildlife photographer or for that matter any type of photographer, these days your life is pretty much ruled by Broadband speed. *Sigh* we remember the […]
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