Post by: Jacky Bloomfield


It’s the photographer not the camera

16 Apr , 2017  

Photographer using camera

What is the difference between a great picture and an ordinary picture? Answer, the person taking it. It is certainly not the camera. Many people have said to us, “Oh, I only have a compact camera or my phone.” It doesn’t matter. The important factor is the person behind the camera. Seeing a picture, visualising […]

How To

How To: Be Different

12 Apr , 2017  

Title picture How To Be Different

If you want your images, to make a visual impact, stand out from the crowd, move your feet, try something different. You don’t have to stand in the same place as everyone else. In fact moving to a different place or position may give you a better image. Try crouching down and taking the image […]

Update, Wildlife

Where do they go?

10 Feb , 2017  

We’re talking about our Badgers. The onset of winter has meant that the local Badger population no longer visit our garden just after dusk. We know they are still visiting because the food we leave out is disappearing each night and we have set up our trail cam at the garden feeders. So as we […]

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News, Opinion, Wildlife

Cheetahs about to go extinct

30 Dec , 2016  

Cheetah standing

The Cheetah population is crashing, the species is in crisis. This statement fills us with great sadness; another iconic animal is heading to towards extinction. When we heard the news, it sent shivers down our spines. We are privileged to have spent time watching and photographing this truly wonderful big cat. We had a close […]

News, Update, Wildlife

What’s in the Wood?

5 Dec , 2016  

picture of Roe Deer

That is was what our sky looked like the other night. As there is very little pollution here in the Highlands we get to see some very colourful sunsets. The other night it looked just like a pot of raspberry ripple ice cream.   The trail camera is proving very useful, we have found out […]

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News, Update, Wildlife

Heart in mouth moment

14 Nov , 2016  

This weekend was absolutely dreadful. We had to go out Saturday morning, as we drove out of our driveway; we came across a dead Badger at the side of the main A road. Immediately you think is it one of the Badgers which visit our garden every night. On the way back we slowed down […]

News, Update, Wildlife

Living with Wildlife

28 Oct , 2016  

Living with wildlife all round you leads to new activities. It’s feed the birds and voles first thing. Make sure you put out badger food in the evening; enough to encourage them into the garden, but not too much to detract from their natural foraging habits. We have now identified three individual badgers, calling them […]

Events, Locations, Wildlife

Swan Upping

30 Jun , 2016  

Swan upping on the Thames

The third week of July will see the 800 year old tradition of Swan Upping continuing along the Thames from Sunbury to Abingdon. Its rituals and traditions arise from when the Crown laid claim to ownership of all mute swans found on open water. Although technically all mute swans are still owned by the Crown […]

News, Wildlife

Pictures can help your business

24 Jun , 2016  

Picture of a Red Fox

How foxes and foxgloves can help your business. Odd statement you might say, but is it really. Foxes and Foxgloves can really help your business. Creating a relaxed and rewarding working environment boosts productivity, whether you work from home or an office. Having pictures of Foxes, Foxgloves or whatever wildlife is your favourite creates a […]

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Opinion, Wildlife

African Adventure

16 Jun , 2016  

Spotted Hyena clan

The sound was amazing, resonating across the African plains, calling in the rest of the clan. It was a sight to see. At the end, the clan was 21 in number. A strong force to be reckoned with, but the lions were not about to lose their kill. It all began with a damp afternoon. We […]